August 13, 2015

Day 3

While the temperatures since our arrival here were extremely hot, its refreshing to feel a cool breeze today, and hear some rain drops on the roof top.

Since we are at the song leader's home we learn a little bit about different instruments, which we didn't know before. There is for instance a three-string instrument called Balalaika, which is amazing. Another one is the Banjo, or the pan flute, or the mandolin, they have all these instruments at home...a dream for every musician.

Before the 'official' meetings will start tomorrow, we have another opportunity to fellowship with the saints here today at Brother Dima's home, Brother Pavel's son.

Most of the believers here speak the Russian language with each other, some Lithuanian, and some a little bit of English.Therefore Brother Dima and Brother Vitaly are the main translators for the services and the different fellowships.

After a wonderful dinner, Brother Vin answers questions concerning the theophanies, the soul and the difference between the wise and foolish virgins, and following this, Brother Vin asked the believers to give some of their testimonies.

"We are chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world and all the names were put in the Lamb's book of Life before the foundation of the world. Also in Hebrews 4 where it says, that the works of God were finished before the foundation of the world. Everything was settled in God's mind, before any Word was spoken. God's thoughts are like God's loins. Each man here has his family and all of his children in seed form in his loins. God's children, His seed, were those thoughts. He thought of you. We were in His thinking concerning redemption. Those thoughts of God are eternal. Its not like a man, when his house is under construction - like we viewed Brother Pavel's construction side today - he has a blueprint for the house. The man might have to go now and buy the tiles, different things, but with God everything is in Gods thoughts. When God saw you and me in His thinking, He knew how much hair would be on our head, the colour, the height we are going to be, what kind of equipment would be in our lives; maybe you would be a singer, a musician. He is designing us and equipping us for what we will be in life. When God made the birds, He has all kinds of birds. From the little hummingbird all the way to the gigantic eagle, animals, from the ant to the big elephant. Its all settled already in God's mind. When He begins to speak now, His thoughts become manifest. First He thinks it, then the time comes, when He speaks it, and when He speaks it, God's Word is creative, and its exactly how He saw it. That now is called the gene of God. Gods thoughts is like His loins.

In the natural, if you have children, all your children were first in your loins. Then the time comes, when they have to be expressed and through the union with your wife - and you can have a blood test, because the life is in the blood - they have your DNA and your characteristics. That sperm, that gene, it carries these components in it. The real You is the gene of God. Its only ONE of you, but you have three bodies. Adam was in God's thoughts always, you were in God's thought always, you are not an after-thought.

When Adam was in God's thoughts, you were in God's thoughts, Moses was in God's thoughts, Jeremiah, Isaiah, every one has a time and season to be expressed in the earth.

When Isaiah wrote about John, that was finished before the foundation of the world. God was planning how that seed would come down until it reached in Zacharias and Elisabeth. Zacharias had a sperm, Elisabeth had an egg. They came together, and out of millions of sperms and eggs, God was guiding this particular sperm and egg, because when this child comes, the child is in the image of a theophany in heaven. The theophany is a body, a house made without hands, eternal in the heaven. You leave this body to go to another body. Brother Branham's body came from Charles and Ella Branham and they called that body William. The father and mother produced a body, but not the soul. The soul is the real person. God is preparing a terrestrial body, the earthly house of the tabernacle. The father and mother supplying the material to build the house. The mother's womb is the construction side, where the body is built, cell upon cell. Then that body comes forth from the mother's womb. At that time God expresses His attribute into this body. Two creations, a spiritual creation and a physical creation. Our bodies were put on the earth, and our theophany in heaven. And you and me had our time and season, because God planned what age we are going to come in.

God choose us for this age, we couldn't be expressed before this age came, but we were part of Him before the foundation of the world. There is a birth order in the family; the first child, then the next one comes forth. In the natural it is showing us, that God planned which age we are going to come, which family we are going to come from. Not one of us in this room had a choice, male or female, which race, which time and age we would be manifested. No choice, of what we are going to look like. All of this was God's sovereign purpose.

Which creation was first, the spiritual or the physical? The spiritual creation was first. The negative comes out of the positive. This physical creation is the negative. In heaven is the positive. God made three heavens. The first heaven we see are the clouds, the second heaven we see are the stars; each heaven has its hosts. Eagles, ducks, different birds, flying in the first heaven; in the second there are different constellations, the milky ways etc.

All these are shadows of the substance, which is the reality. The third heaven is the substance. Brother Branham was an eagle, he looked in the sky, he saw an eagle flying. He saw the Pentecostal is the hawk, they can't fly where the eagle is flying. The vultures are different from the eagles, the eagle is like the prophets, they are built to fly high. Thats a type. Then in the second heaven, we have the stars. He is the bright and morning star. The bible speaks about the Pleiades, the seven stars. Bro. Branham is a star, the seventh one.

But when you go to the second heaven, we can still see an eagle flying, still take the telescope and see the Pleiades; all of that is shadow. In the third heaven is the substance. While we are on earth, we have a representation in heaven.

When Brother Branham went beyond the curtain, he saw millions, he looked and saw Hope, the body they buried had brown eyes, and he could identify her out of millions. But when that body was formed in her mother's womb, it was out of a million sperms and eggs, it took the nature and characteristic of that original body there. God kept track of that material.

Now, the real person is the soul, it by-passed the theophany and comes into a sex-born body. And this sex-born body is the negative in the image of the positive. Then He says, that theophany, when it comes and picks up this body, will be raised up into glorification. We come from thought to flesh, we by-passed the Word. So the Holy Spirit comes to quicken that seed. In that seed there are all the potentials. We can take a teaspoon of water from the ocean, it has all the chemicals of the water from the ocean. That attribute of God has all the potentials of God.

Transforming power, there is a law of transformation; first quickening power quickens the seed, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and then transformed into the image from glory unto glory, from a Word seed that is quickened into the Word image and then it goes to the word body. So from Word seed, the thought expressed in flesh, the terrestrial body… when it dissolves in the earth, that attribute of God, that became the Word for the age, it goes to the theophany, the second stage.

The first stage is in these three dimensions, the gene of God in a terrestrial body. Then the gene of God goes into the sixth dimension to the theophany, and then it comes back to pick up the terrestrial body for glorification.

God always saw us in glorification. There is no further stage than glorification revealed in redemption. God saw us in glorification. From our preexistence we come to our earthly journey. And from the birth to the grave is our earthly journey, and then we go to our eternal destination."

There was so much more said to this subject, which is all recorded.

To hear different testimonies from the saints here made this time of fellowship today a very special event, where God was glorified in our midst.

Before we all leave, Brother Vin is encouraging the young people, explaining to them that whatever they do, be it by writing songs, or in any other way, its a body ministry for the Bride worldwide, not for the local church alone.